My work experience at Sumobaby

Sumobaby Work Experience

Throughout this week (Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April) I have completed a work experience placement at Sumobaby, I have thoroughly enjoyed this placement as it has tested my knowledge in so many ways and opened my mind to the world of website development. Furthermore, this work experience placement has also allowed me to experience working remotely in a professional environment. This escapade was an exciting experience for me as I currently aspire to become either a website developer or a digital marketer in future, therefore the real-life practice was an incredibly useful insight and has helped me to decide on a future pathway.


Who am I?

My name is Rayhan, I am a 17-year-old male from Vision West Nottinghamshire college; currently studying Information Technology (Advanced) (Various Career Pathways) – Level 3. Currently I am in the 1st year of my course, and I really enjoy it here, I am highly interested in cars, business, and technology; therefore, naturally I am pursuing a career in the digital industry to hopefully have an impact on the world with technological advancements.


What did you do?

Throughout the week I completed many tasks, a fair amount of these tasks was supported by Tomek from Sumobaby, due to my lack of experience in this field. The tasks I completed during my placement are as follows:

  • Working on WordPress websites.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Web Analytics.
  • Web design.
  • Image manipulation/design.
  • Development of Blog posts.
  • How to set up a website utilising WordPress.


Thoughts on website development?

Overall, website development is a very respectable career, and it takes a lot of arduous work and dedication to master the craft of developing a website to suit client needs and function well across multiple channels (mobile & desktop). However, website development is also a very gratifying job to be in as the satisfaction of creating a web page is almost addictive.


Thoughts on Sumobaby?

I would recommend Sumobaby to anyone to try them and their services. It helped me to have a friendly and supportive mentor such as Tomek throughout the processes I attempted this week, any question I had was answered with ample explanation to ensure that I understood fully.

If Tomek was this friendly and supportive with me throughout the process, I have no doubt he utilises the same positive attitude with his clients.

Overall, I have enjoyed this gratifying escapade, I appreciate Tomek giving me his time and resources throughout the week, so thank you to him for his dedication to the placement as well.


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