The Cosmetic Skin Clinic

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The Cosmetic Skin Clinic

Sumobaby has assisted the clinic with its main website and micro-sites since a major redesign and rebuild in 2016.

We maintain both the websites and the hosting solutions, ensuring the websites are available to thousands of monthly visitors. In our caretaker role, we have carried out numerous improvements, not only integrating new technologies but also working with the in-house team to improve on-site SEOs.

In one instance, Cosmetic Skin Clinic asked Sumobaby to tackle mobile page speed, which had slowed considerably over time as the website evolved. We applied up-to-date performance methodologies, which we roll out to all new websites we build, to give this extensive and well-visited site a significant performance boost without breaking any functionality – to the great delight of our client.


The Cosmetic Skin Clinic


Maintenance, analytics, development

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