Tips to prepare for Google’s speed update

Google has announced this January an exciting change when it comes to their mobile search ranking. In essence, the idea is to use page speed as a major factor to determine both the organic ranking and the AdWords Quality Score. The good news is that you have until July 2018 to prepare for the upcoming change. Let's have...

Top 5 features exclusive to the new AdWords interface

Google has recently released their new visually appealing AdWords user interface. The new AdWords experience offers new exclusive features which look quite useful. At this stage, it's worth noting that to get most out of AdWords you may need to switch between the old AdWords and new UI. The new UI doesn’t give you yet full access to...

What is happening with Destination URLs?

If you have an AdWords account, you may have received an email from Google recently entitled "Changes to your AdWords URL tracking". This change is in regard to the "Destination URL" - which is the URL of the page you direct the Ads to. So when someone clicks on your Ad, they are directed to the page...

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