
Google Analytics Universal

Google Analytics Universal will be sunset July 2023

If you're using Google Analytics on your website, it is very likily that it will be Google Analytics Universal. From 1st July 2023, no more traffic will be recorded in your Google Analytics Universal property. For at least 6 months after that, you’ll be able to access those reports. After which you'll lose all historical data...

Pirate MacBook

The truth about unloved websites

The truth about unloved websites Do you have or know someone with a website that was built over a year ago and has not been updated since? It may not be providing the best experience to customers, reducing in search engine visibility or most likely becoming at greater risk of being hacked. Many websites across the global consist...

Snapchat on mobile phone

Snapchat’s awkward age

There comes a time in every app's life where it has to grow up. It's an awkward age, a time of growing pains, when the pure, user-pleasing, initial concept has to mature into something that makes money. For Snapchat, this is happening now. At some point - and that point is drawing nearer - it has...

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