

Sumobaby has rebranded

We've made time to apply what we do for our clients by re-branding and launching a brand spanking new mobile responsive website. It was a long arduous task rebranding and rebuilding the website. We consider ourselves very lucky with the clients we've worked with but working on our own stuff manifested all the worse traits we could...

What is happening with Destination URLs?

If you have an AdWords account, you may have received an email from Google recently entitled "Changes to your AdWords URL tracking". This change is in regard to the "Destination URL" - which is the URL of the page you direct the Ads to. So when someone clicks on your Ad, they are directed to the page...

Ellerdale property company is alive

Unlike Johnny 5 from the popular 80s film Short Circuit, the Ellerdale property company is not a sentient robot. None-the-less the business, primarily working for commercial properties has recently burst to life. Working with Ellerdale from conception we designed a brand that is fresh and modern whilst bold enough to catch people's attention on boards. Whilst the website, fully mobile...

Is your website mobile friendly?

Starting April 21st 2015 Google will begin rolling out a significant change to their algorithm that uses a website’s mobile friendliness as a much more important signal for search results. The day named Mobilegeddon in the media will see will see search results more tailored to the device the search is being performed on. Google has encouraged...

A brand new Mee

We launched a fabulous new mobile friendly website for Mee and the Band just in time to promote their new album Telling Tales With a brand spanking new super logo, musical ideas the flavour of the website needed to reflect the character of the artist. The website also acts as the focal point of all communication channels being used...

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