
Jack & Sue from Backs Etc

Re-launch of Backs etc website

Sumobaby recently re-launched the website for osteopathy and functional movement practice Backs Etc. This fantastic looking mobile responsive website has been very well received by its customers. Early indicators suggest an improvement in discoverability in search engines so we'll need to wait a little while to see the impact in traffic figures. More information can be found in the...

Time to secure all website traffic using HTTPS/SSL encryption

For many years only eCommerce website owners really made use of HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) encryption for their website. Strongly encouraged by search engines, browser manufacturers and public perception, there is now little reason to delay changing your website. To have a website using an encrypted connection you’ll need a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate and...

Superfood discovery made simple

Sumobaby rebuilt Superfoodio eCommerce website in 4 days to ensure the business could continue to serve its customers. Superfoodio offers its customers a means of easily accessing a wide variety of healthy snack and ingredients boxes. A fledgling business with great branding but poor technological executions left them with a website vulnerable to hacking exploits and an eCommerce solution...

Energy Forecast branding

Energy Forecast website

If it wasn't obvious already from the image, Energy Forecast is an independent oil & gas consultancy. They re-branded and had Sumobaby build them a new website introducing their services. Branding & art direction provided by Marc Walker, a talented designer, we worked together with the client to meet all requirements for this mobile responsive website. Before this...

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